It’s incredible what natural substances you can use to clean around the house!
I love Cleaning with Lemons as they have a beautiful aroma and leave the house feeling really fresh and clean! Here’s some ways you can clean with lemons!
1. Freshen up your dishwasher by cutting a lemon in half and popping one or both halves in the cutlery rack.
Doing this will leave your dishes and cutlery not only smelling good but also clean and sanitised!
2. You can clean and deodorise your chopping boards by rubbing them with lemon.
via The Cutco Kitchen
To boost its cleaning power, sprinkle the cutting board first with coarse salt and then scour the surface using half of a lemon. Don’t forget to slightly squeeze to release the juices.
3. Pour about 25mls of lemon juice into a litre of water – use this solution to clean your windows and mirrors.
via Better Homes and Gardens
Use lint-free cloth (you can use coffee filters!) to wipe the solution dry.
4. Remove mildew from clothes by pouring lemon juice onto the mildew spots, then rubbing it with salt.
via eHow
Put it out in the sun for a couple of hours then wash it as normal in the washing machine.
5. Remove stubborn stains from your bathtub by dipping half a lemon in salt then rub it on the stains.
via BrightSide
Lemon contains acid that breaks down bacteria and dirt. To maximise its cleaning power, you can also use bicarb soda.
6. Store half a lemon in your fridge to eliminate odours.
via wikiHow
Similarly, you can also use a sponge or cotton wool as a diffuser. Simply dab lemon juice on it and leave it inside the fridge for several hours.
7. Clean your microwave.
Do so by heating some lemon slices in a bowl of water for 30 seconds, then wipe down the inside of the microwave.
8. Degrease your BBQ.
via Women You Should Know
This is simple. You can do so by putting straight lemon juice on the grills and giving it a good wipe down.
9. Clean your drains by sprinkling some bicarb soda in the drain followed by some hot lemon juice and then hot water.
You can also rub cut lemon wedges around the sink for maximum cleaning.
10. Mix ½ a cup of borax and 1 cup of lemon juice to use as a toilet cleaner.
via Diy Home Life
If you don’t want anything to do with borax, you can substitute it with bicarb soda.
11. Make an all-purpose cleaner by mixing equal parts water and lemon juice in a spray bottle – great for kitchens and bathrooms (but patch test first!).
head The Green Head
Also try a spray bottle of white vinegar with a small amount of lemon juice.
12. Clean tile grout by dipping an old toothbrush into lemon juice then give the grout a good scrub.
via Houzz
The high acid content of lemon juice makes it very effective in cleaning away stubborn stains and discolouration.
13. Soak plastic food storage containers in a solution of lemon juice and water (about half/half) overnight.
via Cookistry
In the morning, add a little bicarb soda and scrub, rinse and dry. Great for tomato sauce stains in the containers!
If you have any other suggestions, please share!
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