If your closet seems small
and cluttered, getting your belongings in order will maximize your closet
space. Learn how to organize a walk-in closet here.
Are you tired of having to rummage through your closet to
find the clothes you need? Don’t wait around for spring to clean and organize
your closet.
Did you know that the average American woman owns 30
outfits? It’s a big jump from the 1930s when the average American
woman owned only 9 outfits. It’s no wonder many women’s closets struggle to
keep up with them.
Below, we’ve got a guide to show you how to organize a
walk-in closet in the most effective way.
via Linly Designs1. Tidy up the Walk-In Closet
The first step to re-organizing your walk-in closet is
to clean it out. Remove everything from it and give it a thorough wipe down.
Vacuum your floors and the cozy corners where dirt and dust are likely to
Open up some windows in the room to help ventilate the space
before you fill it up with clothes again. Now, you’re done with the least-fun
part of the job. It’s time to turn to the heap of clothes you took out of the
2. Declutter and Dispose
The next step is to declutter. You don’t want to put
everything back in without doing this first. Plus, decluttering your closet
will help make space for any new items you buy this year.
Before you start, you need to keep in mind three questions.
Ask yourself if you’ve worn the garment in the past year.
Ask yourself next if it still fits you. Finally, ask yourself if it’s damaged
and when you plan to salvage it if it’s salvageable.
Reports reveal the fashion industry creates a lot of CO2
emissions. If you want to do your part to help the environment,
start with the small but doable things. Repair the clothes you have and can
still wear rather than throw them away.
With these questions in mind, prepare three spaces. These
spaces are for your keep pile, donate pile, and throw away pile. If possible,
you want to keep the staples of your daily wardrobe.
If there are any that don’t fit you but are still in good
condition, put them on the donate pile. Make sure they’re not too worn out. The
same goes for clothes you haven’t worn in months and are unlikely to wear
via Linly Designs3. Get the Most out of Your Closet Storage Space
Before you put your clothes back into your closet, study the
space. There may be some things you can do to maximize the storage space yet.
If you must, get rid of impractical or too-big drawers and cabinets with a closet
If you want to learn how to organize a walk-in closet, add
an island unit to use up some floor space in the middle of it. Do you want to
make the most out of corner walls? Install custom corner shelves and make it a
home for your bags.
Get shoe organizers for bulky items you don’t want to hang
on a sweater. Shoeboxes create compartments in your drawers, perfect for the
“file fold” method. Plus, this is one of the more cost-effective ways of
compartmentalizing your drawers.
4. Make Space for a Full-Length Mirror
Every closet needs a full-length mirror. It’s only proper
given this is where you’re putting together your outfit for the day.
The presence of a mirror in your closet can make a big
difference. If you have a small walk-in closet, hanging a mirror can make it
seem bigger.
via California Closets5. Manage Your Garment Storage
When you store garments, you want the clothes you often need
for the office most accessible to you. Keep them in an area closest to the door
or entryway of your walk-in closet. This way, you can reach them with ease
whenever you’re in a hurry.
It’s also a logical idea to store your clothes in the way
you’d wear them. Hang your pants on a racking system at waist level. Above that
rack, store your shirts and jackets.
It’s also a good idea to plan your outfits for the season.
This way, you can put your fall wear out of the way while the year’s still
turning to spring. It’ll mean you have to rearrange your outfits every 4 months
but it’s better than rummaging through your closet.
6. Get Your Footwear in Order
Shoes are some of the most wonderful fashion pieces you may
own. However, they also prove challenging to store unless you have a dedicated
area for them. If you don’t have a dedicated shelf for your shoes yet, get one.
Once you do, store your footwear upright. One should face
you and the other should face the opposite direction. This way, you have an
easier time deciding which pair will best match your outfit.
That’s the ideal shoe arrangement. However, not everyone can
get a dedicated shoe area. If you can’t, a drawer for your heels is enough.
What if you only have the floor underneath a rack to store
your shoes in? There’s a way to keep the eyes distracted from the shoes
underneath your clothes. Spruce up other parts of the room to draw vision away
from those shoes.
Do you love collecting and wearing high heels? Install rails
on the inside of your closet door. The idea is to hang your shoes by their
heels on the rack to squeeze out extra storage space in your closet.
via California Closets7. How to Organize a Walk-In Closet for the Avid Bag
Bags, especially handbags, are a major cause of clutter in
walk-in closets. Their various shapes and sizes make them difficult to store in
a neat way. However, there are a few tricks you can use to keep your bags
Install large pegs on one wall of your closet. Arrange your
bags from what you use least to what you most often use. Hang your bags from
the pegs with the often-used bags at the front.
This is an effective way of organizing your bags without
having to stuff them into the bottom of a drawer. They’re easier to see this
way. If your closet has alcoves from a misplaced pillar or other, use those
alcoves to install your pegs in.
An alternative to this is to use shelves to store your
handbags in. To give your closet an eye-catching feature, arrange them by color
on the shelves. To maximize on storing space and to make the bags look better
on the shelves, fill them with scarves you’re not using.
Make Your Walk-In Closet More Comfortable
Now, you can move and breathe easier in your closet. Simply
follow this tutorial on how to organize a walk-in closet. You don’t have to
turn to KonMari methods to get the most out of your closet space but it’d be
nice if you did too.
Did you enjoy this post on organizing your closet? If you want to see more content like this, check our other guides on closets and clothing storage right now! Thanks to Linly Designs for contributing
The post How to Organize a Walk-In Closet appeared first on Decorology.
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