Today Ross and I have prepared for you a unique perspective.
In the Realm of Spirit, life is multidimensional.
Time does not exist.
The only thing which exists is nurturing, warmth, love and compassion.
And joy.
The earthly realm is but a shadow, from Home. It seems 'real' because we get information through all five senses, and for some, through a sixth sense of intuition too.
People 'here', vaguely remember 'Home'. Some who have near death experiences (NDE's)--come back with totally incredible stories about it. I remember a little boy who had one telling his family that nobody wears glasses up in Heaven. Nobody needs them! Everyone's eyes work. And he found it surprising and odd.
For the moment, let us think about those who are 'here'--team TWDNHOBIAH for instance. This team has hoarded among themselves old ways of dealing with 'here' to 'make it more like home'. Instead of being able to manifest things in an instant, like 'Home', there are exceedingly elaborate sequences of words, events, ingredients--repeated like people were taught to repeat--to essentially 'make things happen according to their will'.
It's not the same as 'Home', but they manage.
One of the most important things is that in 'herding' the 'flock', these team members of TWDNHOBIAH have learned the psychology and weaknesses of their 'sheep'. With the concept of time, we can't understand it outside the scope of our lifetime. So they have created for their team, plans that take generation after generation to implement. This gets them under the radar of the flock sounding any warning alarm that there is trouble present.
Another thing TWDNHOBIAH does, is that they take advantage of our inability to tell who is 'good' and who 'isn't'. Everything tells us our senses and our sense of trust--is accurate. TWDNHOBIAH take advantage of this. Through psychological methods designed over time, even to scientifically precise methods, through repetition, exploiting our need to belong and feel part of a group, and our wanting to just go on with our lives--they hoodwink us every chance they get.
Here is where the assumptions of both our team, and team TWDNHOBIAH begin to fall apart.
Time is not linear.
It is actually curved.
There are multiple 'timelines'.
Those in the realm of Spirit look at them like three dimensional (or perhaps multidimensional) hills and valleys of 'potentials' and 'possibilities' and 'probabilities'.
And Time only affects those of us who are in this reality, this experience of Duality, which technically, is not 'real' like 'Home' is real.
TWDNHOBIAH, and their leadership, cannot see the future.
Only Divine Creator can see the future.
In fact, Jessie Czebotar was part of Operation Looking Glass--put into the military spying organization as a child--because of her ability to SEE. Remote viewing. And into the future.
That tells you a lot about our competition, doesn't it?
Let's let the obvious rest, and move forward.
What happens at night?
Well, at night, our souls/spirits/consciousness leave our bodies. We go up to our deceased Loved Ones, and our Committees, and our Guides...and we do what we have always been doing when were were not incarnate. Furthermore, we are meeting with others who are incarnate too, and planning our next day's events. And our lessons. And our major challenges. How to overcome them.
It's like clockwork.
In the day we learn. In the night we go UP and we get guidance and counseling and advice on how to make a better go of it the next day.
The question is, does this apply for all of us? Including TWDNHOBIAH?
What happens to people who work nights? Does this happen for them in the day?
I think so.
What happens to victims of TWDNHOBIAH--multiple personality from military grade abuse? Or those who are up all night for rituals?
I don't know.
We don't need 'magic' or 'spells' because we are Creator's Divine Children. We can ask. Just like we ask our parents for a cup of water. Or a bike at Christmas. Or for anything we need. We are confident in the relationship and we just ASK.
Do the members of TWDNHOBIAH 'ask' their version of 'Creator'? They tell us they do. They say that they sell something that isn't theirs. And because of this 'commitment' then they get what they want. But it's not a 'one and done' thing. Proof of the commitment, and increasing dark activity is expected or else you die.
What kind of life is that?
Those are the competition. The other team. They have a plan. They implement the plan. Certainly there are contingencies. But they lack the ability to SEE...the future, clearly, like Divine Creator. They excel at 'crowd control' for lack of a better way to describe this. They can be very charismatic and charming and physically beautiful.
But there is a gap. What resonates as their 'truth' in no way approaches the resonance and robust 'ring' of Spiritual Truth from Home. This 'kingdom' here is temporary. There's actually an expiration date on the 'contract' for 'TWDNHOBIAH' to govern the population. The AC gets a certain number of years to do their thing. One year will have passed on April 24, 2021. After that, and the 'battles' mentioned in a certain book, then for one thousand years, Earth and her people will be restored.
I say too much.
Here is a message from Saul
I am here.
I am here because I want to be and I make the time to come and talk to you.
The outer world, and all the conflict Carla describes, is 'out there' and there will always be 'something' on the order of this for me to attend to with my Consciousness.
But THIS---(gestures with his hand from his chest to you and back)--this what we have together, is what is REAL.
Last night Carla was working in the garden. Anthony was barbecuing some meat on the grill. And in addition to watering the yard, Carla was picking greens for their salad.
There was an onion I encouraged Carla to pull.
When she did, she was so surprised!
It was an entirely regenerated green onion from the little stub with the roots she had planted about two months ago.
So Carla did the same thing. She cut the greens and the most of the white on the scallion for the salad, then she went back in the yard and planted that same tip, again!
That is hope!
That is faith!
That is not listening to 'the system'.
Carla will you share the one about the dryer?
C: Sure. I have a folding metal laundry rack in the yard. And yesterday was very hot, very dry, unusual for March or April. I had a blanket that was almost dripping wet from the washer. I put it outside on the rack. And it dried in a very short time. And it dried completely. So then I brought some other clothes I didn't want exposed to the heat to dry out in the rack. Again, it was more efficient, free, and healthy than the dryer (UV exposure kills all germs). Less wrinkles too!
R: What was the one 'catch'? (he giggles)
C: Anthony puts his wet swim towels on there after practice.
R: Yes?
C: I scoop the dry ones up and store them in the empty washer with the door open until I can do a complete load of laundry.
R: And what happened without your knowing?
C: A lizard had hitched a ride on the towel, and was hanging out in our washing machine, and Anthony found him!
R: What happened to his tail?
C: It fell off. It always falls off when Anthony holds a lizard. He just can't seem to get the body strong enough and the lizard moves and then Anthony is left holding the tail and wondering why it wiggles. I'm the one that knows how to hold the lizard, and I got him outside really quick so he wouldn't die.
R: And what was his name, that lizard, Carla?
C: Charlie. All the lizards in our house we call 'Charlie'. Because my friend from Hawaii, her dad did that with the geckos, and we decided it was a good thing.
R: there you have it. One of the wonders of experiencing life incarnate. Naming all of the lizards in the house, and in the yard, the same thing! And saving them too!
clap! clap!
Aloha and Mahalos,
Ross and Carla
The Couple
P.S. Here is the Schumann resonance frequency