Many people are searching for homes with bigger closets or converting entire rooms into closet space. Fortunately, there’s an alternative that doesn’t involve sacrificing your guest room or spending huge amounts of money. You can use these tips to declutter and efficiently organize your wardrobe. This project doesn’t only free up space. You’ll spend less time searching for the right clothing when you wake up in the morning or get dressed for a special occasion.
1. Reduce
It’s easier to find enough space and fully organize clothes when you have fewer of them. Use a box to collect items you plan to donate, and consider keeping it in your closet. Before you start organizing, search for unwanted apparel that’s uncomfortable or doesn’t fit and get rid of it or donate it. Remember to do this again at least once every year. If it’s overwhelming, tackle one type of clothing at a time.

2. Sort
You will find things more swiftly if you keep each kind of garment in a separate place. Consider using different shelves, drawers or sections of a rack. Put frequently worn items in places that you can easily reach. It depends on what you wear, but potential categories include jackets, short sleeves, long sleeves, dresses, jeans, khaki pants, swimsuits, formal, casual and underwear. You could also separate lightweight shirts from heavier, warmer shirts and sweaters.
3. Divide
There are many ways to divide your closet and drawers into sections; do whatever works best for you. Among other things, you can identify different sections using specially made closet dividers, old compact discs or ribbons tied to hanger hooks. Shallow boxes could divide large drawers that you want to use for multiple types of clothing. You can also put adhesive labels on shelves and plastic bins.

4. Maximize
Make the most of your space with efficient storage techniques. Prioritize using drawers for socks, underwear, belts and other items you can’t easily hang. Fold and stack heavy items such as sweaters. Try to put shirts, pants and most other clothes on hangers. This will make them easier to find because they won’t get buried under other garments. Avoid putting large or heavy items on lightweight hangers.

If your closet is small and you have a lot of clothes, consider folding seasonal apparel and storing it in bins on the floor or under your bed. You might also benefit from a hanging shoe organizer. Think about installing more shelves or wall hooks in your closet if there’s enough room. To maximize the space inside of boxes and bins, roll up lightweight clothes before you store them. This technique works well for shorts, t-shirts, leggings and pajamas.
Basically, it’s best to reduce the total amount of clothing, divide it into meaningful categories and separate the categories in a visible way. You may need to use more efficient storage methods when you have limited space. If you have difficulty organizing your wardrobe, you might benefit from closet organization products, better lighting or a larger storage area for off-season apparel.