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When space becomes a luxury that you cannot afford, a wall mounted ironing board can be of great help


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When space becomes a luxury that you cannot afford, a wall mounted ironing board can be of great help

In addition to that, dragging an ironing board from one place to another will become a thing of the past. All you need is to determine the ideal place for its mounting. Since it is more of a permanent installation, choosing a good one is important. Replacing one now and then can be time consuming and expensive. That is why you need our list of the top 10 best wall mounted ironing boards. It will help you make a wise decision. Read on! List of the Top 10 Best Wall Mounted Ironing Boards in 2019 10. Hafele Wall Mounted Ironing...

As I write this, I’m sitting on a couch in the office area of our master bedroom, overlooking unfinished floors, narrow-but-necessary wardrobes (no closets here), and windows peeking out at the backyard where I can see my neighbor’s backyards just...


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As I write this, I’m sitting on a couch in the office area of our master bedroom, overlooking unfinished floors, narrow-but-necessary wardrobes (no closets here), and windows peeking out at the backyard where I can see my neighbor’s backyards just...

For an American family of five in the 21st century, we live in a relatively small house: just under 1,400 square feet. A fixer-upper to the Nth degree, Kyle is in the process of renovating the entire thing literally by himself (he’s yet to hire a subcontractor or labor). Except for how slow it’s going, we both love that he’s doing it himself. But I don’t think he would necessarily want to renovate it completely free-solo if it were any larger — I can’t even imagine the time it would take if we had a second floor, or several more bedrooms,...