Yesterday was a rough, difficult day. The highlight was discovering that the baby spoon used on me when I was little, a demitasse spoon I now use for a sugar spoon--was actually a US Navy pattern!
How strange is that?
Yesterday was difficult because of external constraints. I know it sounds like a first-world problem, but the second car doesn't get much use and after I dropped off Anthony I needed to drive it around. I went past the Post Office (which is far), past the high school Anthony would have gone to if we had remained in the old house, and all the way through the next town. Then I circled back to the Post Office, and there was a wonderful surprise waiting for me there, something special, a gift from the South. Thank you. I'll write a thank you to you too, as well as to those who were kind with mom's passing and Christmas. I have backlog I will catch up on <3
Once I got home, I found there were things I needed to do for the lawyer. It's horrible to read legal things, even when you have exceptional representation. I did everything I was asked to do, but it took time. And I was stressed. My goal had been to clean house and here was the sink totally filled with dishes and two days worth of laundry just piling up (a month's worth of clothes)!
The news has me shaking. In so many ways. We are near the completion of Ross' mission, or at least under conditions enough to bring back old emotions and feelings. It's tough. And then, after that, I am acutely aware of what is on the line with this conflict--Gaia and Her People. That adds to the stress too.
I picked Anthony up from school and made us a lunch of salads with greens entirely from the yard. We had sliced shishito peppers, kumquat, and tangerine in it too. This was a good thing.
Anthony ate it and didn't complain (I had put cut up chicken tenders on his for his protein and a can of tuna on mine).
I was able to go run an errand, but still, the energies were extremely DARK and HEAVY in the collective consciousness (I can feel it, don't ask me how). Here is the Schumann resonance frequency for comparison. When it's white I feel much, much better.
The whole day there were calls, texts, very intrusive, so much so that Anthony commented on it.
I made it to unloading the dishwasher, the dish rack, and emptying the sink of dishes again. I made us a very simple dinner of grilled cheese sandwiches, pickle slices, and applesauce. For dessert I cooked fresh blueberries in maple syrup to make a sauce, and poured that over slices of angel food cake.
Earlier Anthony and I had gone to the store. There's a coupon for ten dollars off fifty dollars spent. So I had my calculator out, and we were buying things. I was absolutely thrilled to see Crystal Rock (I think that's the name, it's water from Shasta) back on the shelves! I'd actually saved an old bottle. It's very high vibe and I needed it. The cashier was interested in it, and how I knew of such things (I'm an energy healer I shared). She asked for my business card, which I don't have, but I gave her my websites and contact information.
On Pawn Stars, I learned from the guy who brought in the mummified falcon (Horus), that the right eye is the sun, and the left eye is the moon. The wings are a protection of healing. So that explains all the one eye symbolism! The 'right hand path' and the 'left hand path'...
But it was my dream time that was most noteworthy. I slept deep and dreamless until morning. Then, I went to this place, it's hard to explain, I've been there a lot, it's like an old shed with Animals I don't take care of, things I own but forget. Last two times I have been there, the first time my snake I forgot to pick up was being boarded and I wanted it back. Then the second one was that there were lots of snakes, all out of control, and they were eating each other.
This time my 'shed' in my 'back yard I didn't know I had', I'd let a pregnant cat be a rescue. And then next I knew, the mom was gone, but there were kittens to save. And I picked them up, and held them. They wandered all over too. But two were very different. Kind of grey, like the one above, but they also had very light lavender-purple sheen to their fur. It wasn't from this world. In a way it reminded me of the little old ladies who dye their hair purple, because they use some tint or shampoo to take the yellow out. But it was darker, much darker violet than that.
I had to leave, and when I came back, a bookstore or cafe was next to my shed. The cats were fully grown, and the cafe had a door open, to my shed, and now it was a 'cat cafe'. The owners, customers, and cats were extremely happy.
At that, I saw something like this that was white, and had a hood on it like a cabana shade over a clamshell chaise lounge for two that comes down for privacy...
It was a different med bed. I wasn't afraid of it, but also, by the same token, I knew it was time to get in, and it was needed. So I went in. By myself. But I couldn't remember anything else after I went in.
I woke up and was ready to blog (there's no work except for tomorrow this week). And somehow this caught my eye. I've seen this guy before and he seemed reasonable (here is the link). I know KP but it's Simon. It explained a lot.
Some of the cat images in my dreams may have been due to this video, A CALL FOR A RAINBOW. And some of my angst was from this video, get ready for things are about to get really bad. It said Q is a psy op. That's why the Simon Parkes video helped.
Then it was Pastor Nafty (he has good books on Amazon)--who posted that there are two groups of Luciferians. And the 'white hat' ones who don't eat immature human beings are going against the 'black hat' ones who do, that's why their power structure is down and no longer useful to 'their Boss'. He explains more and that gave me peace.
But it was the end of the video on KP's site, where Simon talks about healing chambers, and a healing center, that I got really peaceful. I said to myself, you never know what is going to happen from one day to the next, do you? And I joined their organization. It's free. I can't open up this link now but it's where I signed up.
For the rest of the day, it's chores and family time. I'm okay with that.
Carla has been leaning on me for strength, for weeks. I have exquisite tenderness to her pain when the memory of my own end affects her. It hurts me too, to feel her subtle emotions I didn't quite catch the first time around...the anxiousness, the pain of not having resolution, the fear of harm coming to me, the complete and total knowledge of the enormity of the mission and what is at stake and watching it crash before her very eyes.
That is why I sent Carla the healing cats in all of the videos. In her dream Carla didn't realize it, but for the first time the kittens didn't make Carla itch and wheeze and have to catch her breath!
That is why a lot of healing has been done when Carla was in the chamber.
Carla--I know her well--has been chomping at the bit in order to go and HEAL those who are in need of it most using the highest technologies that are known! That is why I sent her a bone, a little hope and healing, through the likes of Simon Parkes.
In her application, she spoke of the massive healing needed on the front lines for the Covid fighters, herself included.
This day will come. It will arrive in due time.
In the meantime (he salutes) I bid you adieu and wish you a good day.
clap! clap!
Aloha and Mahalos,
Ross and Carla
The Twins