The t-shirt she’s using today is a H&M oversized black t-shirt which is the perfect length as it’s just long enough to pass as a dress as well as be worn as a t-shirt. The best thing about it for me is that it cost just 99p from the sale rack in the Age UK charity shop.
There are so many clothes that we’ve seen during our recent charity shop shopping sessions that we could have done similar with but we went with this because it was the simplest option. Also, I knew that, even though it was only 99p, we weren’t going to be wasting our money because this really is something that Miss Frugal will wear over and over again.
I won’t waffle on any longer, here are the different ways that we (by mean I mean Miss Frugal) would style this basic black t-shirt…
Worn as a T-shirt with jeans
Worn as a dress with trainers
Worn as a dress with a belt
Worn with boots and a leather jacket
Worn as a dress with a H&M Faux Fur coat over the top
Knotted up and worn with leggings and a denim jacket
Hmmm, I’ve just noticed that’s six different styles so you got a bonus one!
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The post Five Ways to Wear a 99p Black T-Shirt…. #SecondHandSeptember appeared first on The Diary of a Frugal Family.