News — RobertBronzi

Many of the movies I love are a kind of heightened or polished exploitation


Tags Horror, RenePerez, RichardTyson, RobertBronzi, Slashers

Many of the movies I love are a kind of heightened or polished exploitation

They’re the standout kicking and stabbing movies that were mass-produced in the ’70s to fill slots at drive-ins but exceeded their mandate and ended up acing the test of time. Or they’re the modern, more expensive movies in popular genres that evolved out of the best b-pictures. But occasionally I’ll take the seatbelt off and step into the muck of legitimate 21st century exploitation. That’s what I would consider CRY HAVOC, a mashup between a slasher movie and a Charles Bronson movie that came out on VOD and DVD this week. I don’t mean a Charles Bronson type movie. I...