
News — TravelHacks

Can’t Wait to Travel Again? Here Are The Best Luggage Brands to Help You Prepare For Your Next Excursion


Tags Hacks, Luggage, Suitcase, Travel, TravelHacks

Can’t Wait to Travel Again? Here Are The Best Luggage Brands to Help You Prepare For Your Next Excursion

Travel has looked quite different since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. Since 2020, international travel has reduced significantly and many people have cancelled or postponed trips indefinitely until herd immunity and mass inoculation via vaccination occurs. If you have taken a flight, it probably wasn’t for pleasure and the whole experience has changed. That being said there’s no time like the present to prepare for your next excursion and make sure your luggage is on point so the second you get the go-ahead you can hop on a plane with no fear. Sounds great, doesn’t it? We’ve put together...