
News — TwinsAndAToddler

Hi Friends – this week on Catching Up With The Kelnhofers – how I always get stopped at the airport, I won a trip to Austin, TX, the kids are super cool in rock star gear and what I stocked with fridge with before I left (make-ahead meals).

Hi Friends – this week on Catching Up With The Kelnhofers – how I always get stopped at the airport, I won a trip to Austin, TX, the kids are super cool in rock star gear and what I stocked with fridge with before I left (make-ahead meals).

I use my purse for work/kids/a catch all and I love it (this is the purse I have used for 3 years now and it still looks good as new).  There’s one pocket on the inside that has a zipper and I always forget to look inside the pocket.  Guaranteed, if I’m traveling I’ll get stopped going through security and they go through that one pocket. There’s been everything from lip gloss to tweezers to a water bottle in there (don’t ask me how I didn’t notice it, lol). Is there something you always get stopped for when going through airport...